Adress: 583 Park Ave, New York, NY 10065 Borough: Manhattan, New York City
Third Church of Christ, Scientist
Information about this place
Located in Lenox Hill, this church designed by Delano & Aldrich was completed in 1924
Positioning on an old map
Plate 18: Bounded by E. 64th Street, Avenue A, E. 52nd Street, W. 52nd Street, Sixth Avenue, W. 59th Street and Fifth Avenue. 1885
Positioning on an old map
Upper East Side - Famrs in 1815 1815
Positioning on an old map
Central Park And Midtown Farms - Map 1815 1815
Hours of masses and other religious events from this churches are not shown because they are subject to change.
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Thing of Interest to discover around
The longest With 87 feet, Bow Bridge is the longest in Central Park