40.739592-74.008793Whitney Downtown Museum2148492014264820 Washington Street40.74125559515886-74.00672934202703Ground Zero Museum Workshop 25049001782, 420 W 14th St, New York, NY 1001440.74008534666338-74.0043032169342Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. Bernard's2383641875119 328 West 14th Street, New York, NY 10011 40.738441-74.00573Cezanne Apartments2252319196315961 Jane Street, 623 Hudson Street, NW corner to Horatio Street40.739868-74.005682Hotel Gansevoort21531142004018 9th Avenue at West 13th Street40.739281099802184-74.00706730038337Gansevoort Market251051013452 Gansevoort St, New York, NY 10014