7 m Cherry To Water Sts, W Catherine To Market Slips
40.712895-74.003724Manhattan Municipal Building201163419145761 Centre Street40.70887809364078-74.0004301071167Brooklyn Bridge2380101883127Manhattan - New York City40.708611111111-74140 Broadway (Marine Midland Building)2309200107Manhattan - New York City40.709865-73.997549Alfred E. Smith Houses II 227070195314210 Catherine Slip40.709707-73.998499Alfred E. Smith Houses III 227170195371182 South Street40.709178-73.998971Alfred E. Smith Houses IV 22711019530180 South Street40.710199-73.999159Alfred E. Smith Houses V 22715019531157 Saint James Place40.710105-74.000173Alfred E. Smith Houses VI 2270801953145374 Pearl Street