543 Second Avenue, New York City

Adress: 543 Second Avenue
District: Kips Bay
Borough: Manhattan, New York City

Positioning on an old map

Plate 13: Bounded by W. 40th Street, E. 40th Street, First Avenue (Harlem River, Lumber Yards), E. 27th Street, W. 27th Street and Sixth Avenue. 1885

Positioning on an old map

Farms of New York - old map 1815 1815
Historic map finder tool
Picture of 543 Second Avenue - NYC


Information about this place

Located in Kips Bay, this apartment tower designed by 5D Architecture & Engineering was completed in 2017

We can't provide information on price or availability.

NewyorkBeforeID:25592 - 769 pageview since 2016-01-11


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