Horizon Apartments, New York City

Adress: 415 East 37th Street at New Street, NW Corner to East 38th Street
Borough: Manhattan, New York City


Information about this place

This apartment tower designed by Philip Birnbaum & Associates was built in 1989

Positioning on an old map

The NYPL DIGITAL COLLECTIONS Atlas of the borough of Manhattan, city of New York - 1916 plate 68 1916

Positioning on an old map

Plate 13: Bounded by W. 40th Street, E. 40th Street, First Avenue (Harlem River, Lumber Yards), E. 27th Street, W. 27th Street and Sixth Avenue. 1885

Positioning on an old map

Farms of New York - old map 1815 1815

What happened in New York the same year (1989)

David Dinkins was elected mayor of New York City on November 7, 1989

We can't provide information on price or availability.

NewyorkBeforeID:20391 - 1064 pageview since 2015-01-04


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    4 m 1 To 2 Aves, E 35 To E 36 Sts
    7 m 1 Ave, E 41 To E 42 Sts
    8 m N/s E 42 St, 1 To 2 Aves
    7 m S/s E 42 St, 1 To 2 Aves
    40.751654-73.975298Chrysler Building20006771930752405 Lexington Avenue40.748769-73.968168United Nations Secretariat Building 202223919524181st Avenue to FDR Drive, 405 East 42nd to East 48th Streets40.74448521414708-73.97198796272278626 First Avenue23937482017157626 First Avenue40.745709-73.971049Horizon Apartments20391019890415 East 37th Street at New Street, NW Corner to East 38th Street40.745172-73.971934Manhattan Place Condominiums205020198496630 1st Avenue at East 36th Street, NE Corner to East 37th Street40.747147-73.972321The New York Tower22042361982192330 East 39th Street, between 2nd & 1st Avenues, south side
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