Riverview North Apartments

Adresse: 1 Gracie Terrace, 605 East 82nd Street
Arrondissement: Manhattan, New York City

Positionnement de cet édifice sur une carte ancienne

Upper West Side 1885 - North of 76th 1885
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En image: Riverview North Apartments - NYC

tour résidentielle Sylvan Bien 1954

Ce qui s'est passé à New York la même année (1954)

Robert F. Wagner, Jr. became mayor of New York City in 1954.

Nous ne pouvons pas fournir d'nformations sur le prix de location ainsi que sur la disponibilité.

NewyorkBeforeID:22467 - 480 page vue since 2015-01-17
  • New York Map
  • Édifices d'intérêt autour

    Tour residentielle
    Tour a bureau

    Near playground

    9 m Fdr Drive, E 76 To E 78 Sts
    4 m EAST 84 ST & EAST END AVE
    13 m 34 AVE & VERNON BLVD

    Near public pools

    8 m East of York Avenue on 77th St.
    8 m East of York Avenue on 77th St.
    40.772141-73.945568Riverview North Apartments224670195401 Gracie Terrace, 605 East 82nd Street40.772953-73.94483310 Gracie Square229070193010910 Gracie Square40.771759-73.9467745 East End Avenue2247020195011045 East End Avenue at East 81st Street, NE corner40.772701-73.94695860 East End Avenue2200743197213360 East End Avenue at East 82nd Street, NW corner40.772502-73.94610575 East End Avenue21215019626075 East End Avenue at East 82nd Street, NE corner to East 83rd Street40.773307-73.94632580 East End Avenue2245620195814480 East End Avenue at East 83rd Street, NW corner40.773532-73.94607290 East End Avenue2231121200016090 East End Avenue at Gracie Square40.77294839034264-73.9466518163681New Brearley School2602512201912870 East End Avenue
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