Miraval Living Condominiums

Adresse: 515 East 72nd Street
District: Upper East Side
Arrondissement: Manhattan, New York City

Positionnement de cet édifice sur une carte ancienne

Plate 19: Bounded by E. 76th Street, East River (Avenue A), E. 64th Street, and Fifth Avenue. 1885

Positionnement de cet édifice sur une carte ancienne

Upper East Side - Famrs in 1815 1815
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En image: Miraval Living Condominiums - NYC

515 East 72nd Street in Upper East Side, tour résidentielle Davis Stokes Chilton Collaborative 1985

Nous ne pouvons pas fournir d'nformations sur le prix de location ainsi que sur la disponibilité.

NewyorkBeforeID:20385 - 976 page vue since 2015-01-04
  • New York Map
  • Édifices d'intérêt autour

    Tour residentielle
    Tour a bureau

    Near playground

    7 m Fdr Drive, E 76 To E 78 Sts

    Near public pools

    8 m East of York Avenue on 77th St.
    8 m East of York Avenue on 77th St.
    40.765724-73.951879Edgewater Apartments2118001963130530 East 72nd Street at FDR Drive40.766697-73.95273Miraval Living Condominiums20385019850515 East 72nd Street40.766493-73.951373One East River Place20251501989117525 East 72nd Street40.766286-73.952606Parker 72 Apartments225220196347520 East 72nd Street40.767339-73.953862Somerset Apartments206053619771191365 York Avenue at East 72nd Street, NW corner to East 73rd Street40.767948-73.953454Stratford Apartments203953619691521385 York Avenue At East 73rd Street, NW Corner To East 74th Street40.765697-73.954183Helmsley Medical Tower 204003619871651320 York Avenue40.766278-73.953508Sotheby& rsquo;s World Headquarters2147301921801334 York Avenue40.7659-73.952386The Belaire2021150198893524 East 72nd Street, 525 East 71st Street
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