40.748431-73.98585Empire State Building200041021931374350 5th Avenue40.752361229901794-73.9775937795639Grand Central Station200002191371842th Street40.746501-73.9810973 Park Avenue20144411975813 Park Avenue at East 33rd Street, NE Corner to East 34th Street40.747743124551455-73.9808821678161623 Park Avenue250314189813723 Park Avenue40.747267-73.982419Brookdale Hall225461919616350 East 34th Street, between Madison and Park Avenues, south side40.747472-73.98152110 Park Avenue207132819318210 Park Avenue at East 34th Street, NW Corner40.74748-73.98056815 Park Avenue230070192513815-17 Park Avenue at East 35th Street, SE Corner40.747655-73.983414180 Madison Avenue2068401927154180 Madison Avenue at East 34th Street, SW Corner40.746298-73.9825672 Park Avenue20528291928772 Park Avenue at East 32nd Street, NW Corner to East 33rd Street40.748049-73.98109120 Park Avenue210260193915520 Park Avenue at East 35th Street, NW Corner40.748316-73.98092530 Park Avenue211660195418830 Park Avenue at East 36th Street, SW Corner40.748242-73.98154235 East 35th Street217690195516235 East 35th Street40.747688-73.98215947 East 34th Street203103609847 East 34th Street40.74709-73.9808397 Park Avenue2273201930997 Park Avenue at East 34th Street, NE Corner40.748257-73.983065B. Altman & amp; Company Department Store Addition2114801911185188-198 Madison Avenue at East 34th Street, NW Corner to East 35th Street40.74782-73.982604Cameron Building2305901912124185 Madison Avenue at East 34th Street, NE Corner40.746818-73.98196Four Park Avenue2104820191304 Park Avenue at East 33rd Street, NW Corner to East 34th Street40.745493-73.980786Furniture Exchange Building2122901927177200 Lexington Avenue at East 32nd Street, NW corner to East 33rd Street40.748082-73.9824Goodhue House2135314193814520 East 35th Street at Madison Avenue, SE corner40.747793-73.9805James Hampden Robb and Cornelia Van Rensselaer Robb House2350851892164Manhattan - New York City40.747133-73.983119Lewittes Building2131401914104171 Madison Avenue at East 33rd Street, NE Corner40.747424-73.98276Madison Belmont Building227721719259540 East 34th Street, 181 Madison Avenue, SE corner40.745863-73.981531One Park Avenue209252019221121 Park Avenue at East 32nd Street, NE Corner to East 33rd Street40.745396-73.982985Schwarzenbach Buildings South 22788171912180468 Park Avenue South at East 31st Street, NW Corner40.748055555556-73.98194444444Thomas B. and Fanny Clarke Residence (Collectors Club)2340251902138Manhattan - New York City